When you are purchasing a menstrual cup for the first time it is a good idea to research the materials first. This can help you make an informed decision as to which type is most suited to your body, fits with your environmental views and/or product life expectations.
The most common materials for the manufacturing of menstrual cups are Medical Grade Silicone (LSR) and TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer). Both are great options, but both have their own limitations as well. On first appearance menstrual cups made from either material look the same, but each has quite different properties, especially to the touch.
If you would like to talk to us more about menstrual cup materials please contact us
Medical Grade Silicone (LSR - Liquid Silicone Rubber)
• LSR tooling is expensive and silicone needs to be cured after manufacturing adding extra cost to production.
• LSR has excellent tear strength (tensile strength)
• LSR are not recyclable, but can be ground down and used to create various high impact sporting surfaces.
• Menstrual Cups made of silicone have a life of 10 years + have low compression strength. This means it can be placed under large amounts of pressure and will maintain its shape for the duration of its life.
• LSR can be heated to high temperatures for sterilization and can undergo chemical sterilization.
• LSR is odour free and hypoallergenic. It has the highest compatibility rating for use inside the human body. Liquid silicone rubber is still the preferred material of choice within the medical industry.
• Menstrual Cup brands made of LSR include: Diva Cup, Mooncup, Merula, Ziggy Cup, Kiko Cup, Fleur Cup, MyCup™, Lunette
With the above information you can make the very best decision on which material you would like to use inside of your body. Both materials have advantages and disadvantages, but overall are both good choices for the manufacture of menstrual cups. Please contact us if you would like more information on either material.
TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer)
• TPE tooling is cost effective and less energy is required to manufacture TPE products.
• TPE can be re-molded and easily dyed or coloured.
• TPE is recyclable, being able to be melted down and re-purposed after use.
• Menstrual cups made of TPE have a life of 3-5 years. Are soft to the touch, but can feel plastic-like.
• Has a high compression strength. This means it can lose its shape over its life.
• TPE can be sterilised, but can not be subjected to chemical sterilisation or high temperatures, as it can melt easily.
• TPE is a popular modern day material and gaining popularity due to its cost effective tooling and ability to be recycled.
• Menstrual Cup Brands made of TPE include: Me Luna, Oi Cup, Hellocup
MyCup™ Material Choice
Our team thoroughly researched each material and their pros and cons and decided on Medical Grade Silicone (LSR) for MyCup™ menstrual cups. Overall it appears that TPE has more advantages with regards to ease of manufacturing, recyclability and the material costs being cheaper. Medical Grade Silicone menstrual cups are more expensive to manufacture and not recyclable, yet have more advantages for the end user - the high biocompatibility, longevity/stability of the end product and its physical properties still remain superior to that of TPE.
We wanted the very best for our customers, the choice of Medical Grade Silicone ensured the following:
• Low compression strength (maintains its shape throughout its entire lifetime)
• Highest biocompatibility rating for use inside the human body
• Long term life of the cup for the maximum benefit of user (maximum of 4 cups needed in the life of a menstruating person)
• High tensile strength